Saturday, April 21, 2018

Two short cases - Dr. E. W. Berridge, M. D.

1. A headache -- March 15th, 1870. Mrs. sensation(not pain) as if the brain was gradually squeezed, then relaxed, then again squeezed, and so on ; she has had this for four days, commencing earlier each day, and lasting till she went to bed ; to-day it came on at 10 A. M. ; it makes her feel as if she would lose her senses; feeling of rush- of blood to the head ; feeling as if she squinted ; feeling as if she would fall when walking ; giddiness ; the squeezing is relieved by lying down, or by pressure with the cold hand ; aggravated by strong light, reading, writing, on looking up, and when the head is covered.

Diagnosis of the remedy.—Feeling of losing the senses (taken as the key-note because of a mental symptom): Acon., Agar., Alum., Ambr., Bov., Bry., Calc, Cann., Carb. an., Chlorum, Laur., Magn., Mag. sul., Merc, Mercurial, Mosch., Nat. m., Plat., Sepia, Sulph., Strain., Thea. 

Squeezing of Brain: Bov., Calc, Cann., Mag. s., Nat. m., Sulph. (with many others which have not the first symptom).

Head worse from looking up: Calc, Sulph.

Head worse from reading or writing, and better from lying: Calc, Nat. m.

Calc. alone corresponds to all these symptoms; it has also feeling of falling with giddiness, the rush of blood to the head, and relief from pressure with the cool hand; the rest have not as yet been found under it. 

One dose of Calc, 107 M (Fincke) was given about 4 p. m. 

March 17th. All the symptoms were better the same day; the next day nearly gone to-day quite gone.

June 1870. There has been no return. 

This case again conclusively proves the absolute necessity of having a collection of conditions. Calc. has not produced all these symptoms in combination with these conditions, but it possesses them all separately; without such a collective, how then could the remedy have been selected? It also shows that too much reliance must not be placed on concomitants; they are sometimes of value in deciding the choice between similar remedies; nevertheless, a medicine will often cure a group of symptoms if it has produced them, either separately or in other combination*-, as pointed out long ago by Constantine Hering.

2. Abdominal Complaints.—July 6th, 1871. Miss . For a week, and getting worse, pain in stomach going round to left hypochondrium and through to the back, with shooting in left hypochondrium; this comes on every day after dinner, which is at 2 P. m. Pain in stomach better by bending double; pain in back worse by deep inspiration. With the pain, yawning, faintness, chilliness, borborygmus and tasteless eructations. This afternoon there was also, with the pain, dyspnoea and wheezing for a time, and after this had passed off there was nausea in the stomach, with the objective heat of forehead and cold hands. This case illustrates the selection of the remedy according to the concomitants, which must not be neglected, though too much stress must not be laid on them. In the abdominal chapter of the Cypher Repertory, I found that Castoreum corresponded best to the above conditions. (The symptoms given by Allen are, " Pain in abdomen relieved by warmth, pressing upon and bending the body;" "Violent pain in bowels, arresting breathing, with yawning;" "Piercing pain in abdomen, with rolling about, frequently intermitting, with chilliness, from 11 a. m. to 4 p. m.") I gave one dose of 200 (Leipzig) at 10.35 p. m. The yawning decreased at once.

June 7th. Slight pain in the stomach in morning for a time ; pain returned at 7 p. m., after tea, but much less, not felt in back ; very little yawning ; no other symptoms.

June 8th. Pain in stomach returned at 11 A. M. for one and a half hours ; none in evening.

June 9th. Pain in stomach and left hypochondrium (but no shooting) for half an hour, one hour after breakfast and in afternoon ; no other symptoms.

June 10th. Quite well ; remained so.

Comments.—This case illustrates well the action of Castoreum, a drug which has been denounced as worthless and inert. I have found yawning in connection with diarrhoea and other abdominal complaints to be characteristic thereof.


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  2. Very nice cases demonstrating the efficacy of Homoeopathic remedies when corrected selected.
